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The POOL LAB HYBRID180 uses the automated testing values obtained by the ASP to feed and control both chlorine and pH levels (View further details about the ASP here).
Testing frequencies can be adjusted from the standard three tests per day up to 4 tests per hour depending on the specific requirements for the commercial pool.
Algorithms control the chlorine output from the salt chlorinators and test data will identify if excessive chlorine demand requires the additional liquid chlorine feed to be initiated.
View the rolling test history and many other feed data and operational diagnostics in the Commander module.

The PLHYBRID180 delivers up to 180 grams per hour chlorine gas, plus liquid chlorine as required.

Sizing of each HYBRID system is based on the maximum estimated chlorine usage per day. The pool or spa volume and the maximum bathers per day, or known maximum chlorine usage history allow you to size the optimum
A correctly sized HYBRID system will utilise the salt chlorinators to meet the base load chlorine demand and only utilise the liquid chlorine delivery system for when a rapid demand recovery is called upon.
In this way the HYDRID system maximises the use of the salt chlorinators to meet the majority of the chlorine demand which is most economical.
The liquid chlorine delivery feature allows POOL LAB HYBRID to meet excessive chlorine demand incidents and comply with health department guidelines. The 16.5% HCL acid delivery peristaltic pump provides a feed rate of up to 3.6lt/hr, more than enough for most commercial pools.

The POOL LAB HYBRID180 comes with:

  • 1 x PL Commander Chlorinator (control box and cell)

  • 3 x PL Lieutenant Chlorinator (control box and cell)

  • 1 x PL ASP

  • 1 x Peristaltic Acid Pump and Accesories Kit

  • 1 x Peristaltic Chlorine Pump and Accesories Kit

  • 1 x Injection Manifold


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